Gifts that cost you Nothing
Gifts in Your Will
To create your legacy to help end poverty, you simply sign your name. That’s how easy it can be to include a gift in your Will. It costs you nothing now, but your impact goes on for generations protecting the future of our neighbors through CCA. Once your family and friends are provided for, please consider making your love of helping the less fortunate part of your life story with your legacy gift.
Here are ways most people like to make this lasting change:
- Residual Bequest
CCA receives a percentage of the remainder of residue of your estate after other specific legacies have been fulfilled. This gift will be used where it’s needed most. A lot of people prefer to give a residual gift as it keeps in line with inflation and does not lose value over time. - Specific Bequest
CCA receives a specific dollar amount or a specified gift in kind (collections, art, books, jewelry, and so on). This gift will be used where it’s needed most. Gifts in kind will be sold and proceeds will be used for protecting the future of our neighbors and CCA.
All that's needed to leave a legacy is a few sentences:
Here is some information that will be helpful when you meet with your lawyer to draft or update your Will:
Legal Name: Christian Community Action
Charitable Registration #: 23-7319371
Address: 200 S. Mill Street, Lewisville, TX 75057
“To pay Christian Community Action the residue (or share of the residue) of my Estate for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine.”
“To pay Christian Community Action the sum of $___ for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine.
If you have questions about what type of gift will work best for you, please contact us. We will be happy to work with you and your family to help you meet your goals.
* When making decisions concerning your Estate, please seek independent professional advice from your lawyer or financial advisor.