Your $14 monthly gift equips a child with the tools and confidence to thrive, providing back-to-school supplies and new clothes for a strong start to the school year.
Your $34 monthly gift ensures a child has daily nutritious meals all summer, so they can focus on what matters most – just being a kid.
Your $65 monthly gift equips your neighbors with skills and opportunities, creating lasting impact for future generations through our classes and programs.
Your $120 monthly gift provides a family of four with a dignified grocery experience, a basket full of nutritious food, essential items, and the support of a nurturing community.
Your $250 monthly gift invests in a family’s stability, keeping them in their home for a month and ensuring they have access to weekly shopping at the CCA Food Pantry---providing nutritious food, essentials, and a supportive community.
$0.36 a day
Your monthly gift of $11 will provide back-to- school supplies and new clothes for a child.
Your monthly gift of $27 will provide a child with daily meals during the summer months.
Your monthly gift of $55 provides Education and Empowerment classes to help clients improve their job readiness skills.
Your monthly gift of $120 will provide groceries to a family of 4 for one entire month.
Christian Community Action is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible.
Tax ID: 23-7319371
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