Bringing Hope and Changing Lives for Over 50 Years

Champion a Neighbor. Strengthen Our Community. Give Monthly. Neighbors Loving Neighbors

many people of different ethnicities hold hands to pray in a circle

Become a

Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritans are our dedicated family of monthly donors, giving hope to the hurting all throughout the year. Join our group of loyal monthly supporters and be the hand that helps a neighbor in need.


$0.47 a day
icon of pencil and shirt with heart

Back to School Supplies

Your $14 monthly gift equips a child with the tools and confidence to thrive, providing back-to-school supplies and new clothes for a strong start to the school year.


$1.13 a day
icon of hand with apple

Kids Eat Free – Summer Feeding Program

Your $34 monthly gift ensures a child has daily nutritious meals all summer, so they can focus on what matters most – just being a kid.


$2.16 a day
icon of graduation hat

Education and Empowerment

Your $65 monthly gift equips your neighbors with skills and opportunities, creating lasting impact for future generations through our classes and programs.


$4.00 a day
icon of plate with heart and fork and knife

Shopping Experience

Your $120 monthly gift provides a family of four with a dignified grocery experience, a basket full of nutritious food, essential items, and the support of a nurturing community.


$8.33 a day
Icon of Food Assistence

Rental and Food Assistance

Your $250 monthly gift invests in a family’s stability, keeping them in their home for a month and ensuring they have access to weekly shopping at the CCA Food Pantry---providing nutritious food, essentials, and a supportive community.


$0.36 a day

icon of pencil and shirt with heart

Your monthly gift of $11 will provide back-to- school supplies and new clothes for a child.


$0.90 a day
icon of hand with apple

Your monthly gift of $27 will provide a child with daily meals during the summer months.


$1.83 a day
icon of graduation hat

Your monthly gift of $55 provides Education and Empowerment classes to help clients improve their job readiness skills.


$4.00 a day
icon of plate with heart and fork and knife

Your monthly gift of $120 will provide groceries to a family of 4 for one entire month.

Your Monthly Donation

Means Everything

When you join our dedicated, loyal group of Samaritans, you know your gift is working every month to help those who are suffering. You will receive monthly impact updates and special invitations at CCA to hear from staff and past client testimonials, see our programs in action, and engage with other Samaritans.
CCA Relief programs like Golden Angels, Kids Eat Free, and Christmas Cheer provide vital support that helps our neighbors get through the seasons of the year when money is tighter than usual. When families who are just barely staying above water have an increase in expenses-like a food bill when kids are home in the summertime-they are often forced to choose between paying rent or feeding their kids.
Good Samaritans are essential to these programs. We count on monthly gifts to fill any funding gaps that may arise throughout our year-long programs.


Christian Community Action is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible.
Tax ID: 23-7319371

CCA Good Samaritans are composed of generous, passionate, and determined people — like you.
Our members have already helped transform the lives of so many in need within our community. Join us and we will change even more together.

Meet the Community

Changing Lives
