Hunger Doesn’t End When the School Year Does
Our Kids Eat FREE summer program offers nutritious meals to children on free or reduced-priced meals during the school year, ensuring their access to healthy food throughout the summer.
Through the dedication efforts of church and volunteer partners, we deliver weekly meals consisting of a mix of pantry items and fresh foods directly to students’ homes.
Additionally, we provide healthy food options to support them during the weekend and activity packs.
Help feed 1,000 children this summer
Christian Community Action (CCA) provides nutritious meals to children each weekday through our Kids Eat Free summer feeding program. Partnering with a local vendor, we receive fresh meal deliveries every Monday morning. Our dedicated volunteers unload, sort, and repackage the meals for distribution. Additional volunteers then personally deliver the meals to each child’s doorstep, along with a fun, Bible-based activity to engage them throughout the week. This program ensures that children in our community have access to healthy meals and meaningful enrichment all summer long.
What about the weekends?
That’s where our Bags of Blessings (BOBs) come in. Every Friday, volunteers pick up and deliver these special bags to each child in the program, ensuring they have enough to eat over the weekend. Each BOB contains two breakfasts, two lunches, and two snacks to sustain them until Monday.
This summer, we need your help to provide 1,000 BOBs each week. Your support ensures that no child goes hungry over the weekend!
Click here for a list of items we are collecting.
Ways you can help:
Sponsor a collection drive for Bags of Blessing Items – contact us at [email protected] to get your Kids Eat Free donation drive kit that includes a poster, flyers, and a collection box.
Drop off donations to our pantry, Monday – Friday, 8am – 8pm, 200 S. Mill Street, Lewisville
Give through our Amazon wish list!
Give through our Walmart wish list!
Volunteer to help sort, pack, and deliver items throughout the summer. Contact us at [email protected]
Give financially to support our Kids Eat Free program:
Real Change in Our Community
In Denton County, 35% of children qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. Your support ensures they receive the nourishment needed to succeed, even in summer.
Help Bridge the Gap
1 in 5 children in North Texas face food insecurity. Kids Eat Free fills this gap, ensuring consistent nourishment year-round.
Make a Lasting Impact
Your donation enriches children’s lives and provides parents with peace of mind.